Friday, December 8, 2017


Climb climb the ladder, trying to catch the pace of the flying feather. Grow grow, follow the family roots, how to grow if there's not enough sources to grow independently and be like you.  Is about affordability and not how many commitments I should have. Is about trying to be on the same page with people around me and yet truly unique from the roots. You are at the pace of enjoying time and I am like running in a quick sand desert. None of us, none of you are at our righteous mind to be better, neither is better, neither have bigger heart to accommodate. We just living day by day trying to understand everything happened with a wider mind and bigger soul to accept, forgive and forget. Fluctuating heart broken once or twice will be numb n let go. Friends will advice you what's worth and what isn't worth to shed a tear when ppl may not do or feel the same. Let loose, let go only can ease the heart, mind n soul. So, I smiled.

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